Colin loves trees. Nebraska City is the home of Arbor Day and the Arbor Day Farm Tree Adventure.
It was very nice - it had trails and a tree house.. here's some pics -
At the end of your tree adventure, you get a free tree to take home and plant. Colin and Grandma planted one..
The next day we had tickets to the Omaha Royals game at Rosenblatt Stadium. Many years ago, when I was in college, I worked at Rosenblatt as a concession stand manager. In the years following, I went to several games and knew many of the season ticket holders and ball players. It was a shock to me to find out that this is Rosenblatt's last season - they are tearing it down to make a bigger parking lot for the zoo.
The Royals lost, btw...
The next day we headed back to the Kansas City area. We ran into some flooding on the highway around Nebraska City...
In the second picture, that water is completely covering the right lane..
Once we got to Kansas City, we visited with some old friends before dropping Colin off with the grandparents so Chris and I could have a nice dinner alone. The next morning we headed home.
Our summer adventures didn't end there.. we've managed to have a bit of fun since being home - I'll share some of our fun at a later date..
I hope you've enjoyed our vacation! :)