Friday, November 2, 2007

Fall Y'All Giveaway

I am doing a giveaway! If you are interested, please leave a comment! The deadline is noon on Sunday, November 4th, and I'll be doing the drawing that afternoon so I can get it in the mail on Monday! Good Luck!


Maude Lynn said...

Gorgeous bracelet!

Audra Marie said...

Beautiful. :)

writetome (at) thesilvas (dot ) com

Eden said...

I would love to win! Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanx! My email is in my profile.


Krista said...

Ah here it is! Just had to refresh the giveaway page!

teacherkrista at gmail dot com

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

I'd love to win!!


Denise said...

I'd love to win!

michelle said...

This bracelet is so beautiful. I actually took a stroll through your blog and saw that you have a talent for creating so many wonderful pieces. I hope you one day see your dreams realized and are able to move overseas. I have been to Ireland and it is an absolutely beautiful place to live and has a much simpler pace of life. I would love to be entered in your drawing!

michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com

Nise' said...

Very pretty. Enter me please.

M.E. said...

Beautiful bracelet! Enter me, please!

Heather Casey said...

It's beautiful! Count me in please. Thanks

~Babychaser~ said...

Beautiful! Please enter me!

palmtreefanatic said...

beautiful! count me in! THANK YOU!

Thia said...

Absolutely beautiful!

Cherie J said...

Please enter me. Thank you!

Melissa Neece said...

This is a great idea - I would really enjoy this! I think that is such a beautiful bracelet - such a pretty color!

Thanks for the contest!
(Lots of pregnancy and natural living links)


Michelle said...

that is such a beautiful bracelet!

Kristiem10 said...

You make really lovely things. Please sign me up for your giveaway!

Sonya said...

This is lovely! I'd love a chance to win!

Susanne said...

Beautiful bracelet...and my favorite color! :)

Unknown said...

Wow, what a neat giveaway. You make beautiful jewelry. Thank you for your generosity.

BessieJoy said...

Beautiful! Count me in please!

Genevieve P said...

I love your bracelets! Please enter me!

Katie said...


Susanne said...

Just gorgeous. Please enter me.

Jeanette J said...

Very pretty. Please include me

Hedi said...

Please count me in! Thanks!

HilLesha O'Nan said...


Stephanie said...

GORGEAUS bracelet please enter me. Thank you

Mavis said...

me too. pretty please.

JewelsHud said...

I like pretty bracelets! I'd really like to win - thanks for the giveaway!


Puddintane! said...

i love it! please enter me!

Debbie#3 said...

Very pretty! Please add me to the list!

Awesome Mom said...

That is very beautiful! Great job!

CanCan said...

I'd love to win! I wish I had time and money to do some jewelry making myself!

Chele said...

A stunningly beautiful bracelet. Please count me in.

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

That is a beautiful bracelet. I'd love to be entered to win it. Thank you.

Emily (Laundry and Lullabies) said...

Oh, that is beautiful. I'd love to win it!

Jessica said...

I LOVE the bracelet! Please count me in!

mommyof8blessings said...

Lovely bracelet!!
Please enter me too!!

Anonymous said...

That is just so beautiful. I have a celtic tattoo on my ankle...would love to have a bracelet to match!

Drewe Llyn said...

It's a beautiful bracelet! My daughter loves blue. (I'm thinking Christmas gift!!!!) Count me in!

Denise said...

please count me in.

Liz said...

Beautiful bracelet! I would love to win!

Unknown said...

Really pretty! Please sign me in!

Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

beautiful. please count me in :)

Deanne said...

Ooooo....pretty! Sign me up!

Sharijoy said...

Thats very pretty indeed!! Love to win it!

Anonymous said...

My 11 year old niece is drooling. I've just had to wipe her chin. She says that it is "the cutest thing that she's ever seen." Obviously, she is cheering me on for this one!

Thank you for offering up such an absolutely gorgeous piece!

artandnature [at] juno dot *com*

Mrs.E said...

What a beautiful artistic and creative. Thank you so much for including me in your giveaway :)

Montserrat said...

This bracelet is just lovely! Please count me in.

Jennifer said...

The bracelet is gorgeous! I'd love to win, so please count me in. Good luck everyone & Happy Fall!

Melissa Markham said...

Count me in.

Anonymous said...

Enter me!! I just got a new blouse that would go perfectly with it!

windycindy said...

Hi, Please put me in the draw for your lovely bracelet! Thanks, Cindi

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

Very pretty! Please enter me!

Someone Being Me said...

What a great giveaway. I wish I was half as creative as you. Please enter me in the drawing.

Kena said...

I love it--it's really beautiful! Your other jewelry is very pretty too! I would love to win...

noreen said...

Gorgeous bracelet, the blue is the same shade as my Mom's irish eyes.

Heather said...


Anne said...

It's beautiful! I love blue.

Bebemiqui said...

count me in.

Anonymous said...


Shama-Lama Mama said...

Oh I was hoping you would repost your giveaway! I checked the first one earlier today and loved the bracelet!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Michelle Frae Cummings said...

congrat's on all the comments!

EAL Designs said...

Please enter me thank you

Anonymous said...


ikkinlala said...

What a pretty bracelet!

Michelle Frae Cummings said...

Congratulations! You are one of the “lucky” winners from my October blog posting!

I need from you the following:
A profile photo of you at any age, and your snail mail addy!

Katie said...

Love the bracelet, the colors are so pretty!

Thank you so much, great giveaway!

katie at dekabyte dot com

Sheila said...

Very Pretty! Please Count Me In!

Jennifer Beaver said...


Anonymous said...

Enter me please! Thanks.

Deb M. said...

Please enter me. The bracelet is beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

Please enter me, arogers at gmail dot com

Kyleen King Zelenak said...

Beautiful! Count me in too! Thanks!

Sarah said...

Beautiful..Thanks for the chance!

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

Gorgeous bracelet. So many wonderful items on your Etsy site. My information is also in my profile.

Anonymous said...

Please count me in!

striving... said...

oh it is very pretty, thanks for the chance.

Tricia said...

I would love to win this. Please enter me

Anonymous said...

Please enter me.

Sandy said...

Please count me in! Thanks so much!

Becca said...

Beautiful bracelet. I love the celtic bead!

PurpleMoose said...

gorgeous - and I wouldn't have to kiss the Blarney Stone, right?

thanks for the opportunity.

Coach Paulette said...

What a lovely bracelet! Thank you for offering it in the giveaway!

Geri said...

Count me in!!!Thanks for the contest!!! I love this;)

Anonymous said...


Christine said...

Please enter me too. Thanks, What a beautiful bracelet.

Tricia said...

Sounds great! Thanks for hosting the giveaway.

Dorothy said...

Wow, that's gorgeous!

Shelly said...

Shelly said...

I would love this!

Anonymous said...

Pretty!! Thanks for the chance to win.

The Baker Family said...

It's beautiful--I hope I win!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to have this one!!

Sara@Sarandipity said...

I'd love to have that bracelet! Count me in, please!

seahagstudio said...

beautiful bracelet! i love your etsy shop, too!! sign me up,please. thanks, tracy

Anonymous said...

Nice looking bracelet! I'll have to share it with my girls. We'll pass it around. bigfamily8 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Please let me win.

Monique said...

wow that bracelet's gorgeous! Please count me in!

Dell said...

I love jewelry. Sign me up.

Michelle said...

I love pretty things!

Jo said...

That is beautiful work. Please enter me as well. Thank you.


Eimi said...

This is GORGEOUS! Please enter me.

Hélène said...

Please enter me, I would love it!

Angela said...

I love anything celtic! please enter me!

Michelle Frae Cummings said...

forgot to tell you that I LOVE your new banner!

Fiddle D. Dee said...

Lovely! Please enter me! Thanks

Anonymous said...

Love it! What a pretty bracelet in blue a fave color!

Thank you,
mybuttercup (@) cavtel (.) net

Anonymous said...

Enter me for that gorgeous bracelet!


Carmen said...

So pretty. Please enter me. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Ohh how gorgeous... please count me in!

Many thanks ;-)

~The JacketLover - Dedicated to all jacket lovers!~

(that includes me :D)

Unknown said...

Please enter me in your contest.

~Nancy~ said...

Thanks for the chance!

Be sure to enter my giveaway!

maggie said...

This is a beautiful bracelet. I took a look at some of your other creations and I really like. I hope to get back for another look when I have a little more time. Please count me in.

Karen said...

This is fabulous, please count me in! Thanks:-)

kpuleski [at] gmail [dot] com

Scott Franson Photography said...

what a beautiful bracelet. You do awesome work.

Deb said...

Oh that's beautiful - please count me in! :)

Unknown said...

Please sign me up!

Sassyfrazz said...

Very pretty! Please enter me in the draw~

Thanks so much!!
sharvey at connections-etc dot net

Reality Show Reject said...

Very Generous! Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in!

mountainrailway at gmail dot com

Tori Leslie said...

Please include me too, thanks!

Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

CUTE! I have a small wrist is resizing available? otherwise it'll serve as an anklet for me. lol

Please toss me in to the drawing!

dev said...

Pretty! Count me in!

Liberty said...

Thank you for the chance to win. You are very generous. The bracelet is lovely. Please add my name to the hat, if you will :)

Happy Autumn and Good luck to all!

notmuchmorethanthis [at] gmail [dot] com
Not Much More Than This

Jean said...

What a very lovely bracelet. You do excellent work.

Cathi said...

Very beautiful!

kecia deveney said...

i missed the deadline, but look how many comments you had! that's great for you!